We’re Back!

And it feels great! We took a little enforced break in the New Year – if you didn’t know, you can read all about it here – but with clarification on the rules, and a few tweeks on our part, all is right with the world again (well, as far as home filing goes anyway).

We’ve got some catching up to do with regards to the release schedule, but until we roll with our next major update, we have a beta version of the software available for you “early adopters”. Click on this link to download version 4.1.8 of myhomefiling.

You’ll also notice that we have a newly styled site up and running. After much searching to find something that ticked all of the boxes for our needs, we discovered this theme right under our noses.  We’re loving the minimal (& responsive) design. We hope you like it too?

Keep an eye on the blog/facebook/twitter for the latest updates on our release schedule for myhomefiling.